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Outline of the Organization and Its Duties

○ Personnel Management and Equity Division

- General Affairs Section

 This section is responsible for managing tasks concerning deliberations at the Personnel Commission, the Secretariat’s general affairs, HR, salaries, budgets and financial statements, and exercise of the Commission's authority as a labor standards inspection organization.

- Personnel Management and Compensation Section

 This section is responsible for establishing general criteria for hiring, promoting, and other systems related to employment/appointment; implementing screening; formulating training plans and giving related recommendations; providing recommendations on HR assessments; and conducting research on government employee salaries, working hours and other employment conditions, and preparing reports and recommendations on those matters.

- Hearing Section

 This section is responsible for examining requests for measures on employee wages, working hours, and other employment conditions; handling requests for administrative review of adverse dispositions toward employees; handling registration and other matters concerning employee organizations; and specifying the scope of managerial positions.

○ Civil Service Examiner's Division

- Examination Section
& Research Section

 These sections are responsible for administering metropolitan employee recruitment examinations and implementing internal promotion tests.

03 (5320) 6932
2-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo 163-8001,Japan